I was once living in the constant chaos of raising three boys, thinking I needed to change the look of my home to be “perfect” all the time and buying far too many items to manage. I thought it was normal that I couldn’t keep up on laundry, the toys were always everywhere, the dishes piled up and that I was extremely overwhelmed with how much there was to get done everyday. I took a giant leap of faith and got rid of 75% of what we owned, including most of the dishes in our cupboard and clothes in our closets.
This new way of thinking completely transformed the way I felt in our home…I was finally content with what I had and I was able to keep up on a daily basis. I found I had more time for the things I loved doing, my house didn’t feel so overstimulating and I had more patience for my kids.
I love sharing what I have learned, tips, tricks and inspiration with you. Thanks for being here!